Welcome to OncoSplicing!

OncoSplicing is a database to systematically study clinically relevant alternative splicing in 33 TCGA cancers and 31 GTEx tissues. Alternative splicing (AS) represents a crucial method in mRNA level to regulate gene expression, and contributes to the mRNA processing and protein complexity. Many researches have indicated that alternative splicing could be potential biomarkers for cancer diagnosis and drug targets for treatment. We developed the first version of OncoSplicing in 2019 to view survival associated and differential AS events in cancers, based on a majority of splicing data from the TCGA SpliceSeq database. Recently, we added splicing data of 31 GTEx tissues as well as 32 TCGA cancers from the SplAdder project, which contained much more novel AS events. In summary, a total of 122,423 AS events in the SpliceSeq project and 238,558 AS events in the SplAdder project were included in this database.

In OncoSplicing, users can:

1. Browse or search a gene symbol for integrative AS information of the queried gene, including chromosomal location, AS associated transcripts and statistic results;

2. Browse or search a gene symbol in a cancer type to identify survival associated and/or differential AS events and to perform visualization;

3. Browse or search a gene symbol and select a splice event for pan-cancer views of PSI distribution in TCGA cancers and/or GTEx tissues and results of survival and/or differential analyses;

4. Browse or search a gene symbol in a cancer type to identify clinical indicator relevant AS events;

5. Download all results of analysis, figures of querying and PSI data in the SplAdder project for further integrative study.

Updates in 2021!

1. Added AS events that with PSI values in less than 75% of samples in the TCGA SpliceSeq database.

2. Added 238,558 AS events across 32 TCGA cancers and 31 GTEx tissues from the SplAdder project.

3. Added the pan-cancer views of PSI values, results of survival and differential analyses for each AS event.

4. Added annotation of AS associated transcripts from genome annotation file (GRCh37/GENECODEv19) for most AS events.

5. Added the identification of AS events relevant to common clinical indicators.

6. Added the identification of 2590 cancer specific AS events in the SplAdder project.

Initial release in 2019. The 1st version

OncoSplicing was initially released in 2019 for visualization of survival associated alternative splicing for cancers in the TCGA SpliceSeq project.

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Zhang Yangjun, Yao Xiangyang, Zhou Hui, Wu Xiaoliang, Tian Jianbo, Zeng Jin, Yan Libin, Duan Chen, Liu Haoran, Li Heng, Chen Ke, Hu Zhiquan, Ye Zhangqun, Xu Hua. OncoSplicing: an updated database for clinically relevant alternative splicing in 33 human cancers. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Sep 23:gkab851. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkab851. PMID: 34554251.

Zhang Yangjun, Wu Xiaoling, Li Jingzhen, Sun Kui, Li Heng, Yan Libin, Duan Chen, Liu Haoran, Chen Ke, Ye Zhangqun, Liu Mugen, Xu Hua. Comprehensive characterization of alternative splicing in renal cell carcinoma. Brief Bioinform. 2021 Sep 2;22(5):bbab084. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbab084. PMID: 33822848.